Always just a click away, porn has become a constant temptation and potential trap for many husbands, partners, wives, teens ,boyfriends, girlfriends and significant others to escape from reality for a little while and satisfy a curiosity.
If viewing, reading, watching or thinking about the intense sexual experiences presented in nude photos, sexual fantasy articles, online sex blogs, live sex cams, and porn videos is interfering or causing problems with your job, school work, marriage, relationship, family or social life, most likely you have a problem with porn.
Your frequent watching of porn may also be a part of, or can result into developing a more serious overall sex addiction.
It has been our experience that specifically with Internet porn addiction important relationships and marriages are often negatively impacted. People addicted to porn tend to isolate while watching porn and engaging in sexual acting out. Not infrequently they spend many hours on end or even days lost in viewing pornography.
Another negative effect of porn addiction can be that the person addicted to porn over time, cannot perform sexually anymore without prior stimulation from pornography. The reason being, the intense sexual experiences presented in nude photos, online sex blogs, live sex cams, or porn videos, creates an intensity (or sexual high) cannot be achieved or replicated in a healthy longterm relationship with a real person. In fact, it is not unusual for a porn addict to NOT be present while having sex with their partner. During sex he/ she might recall the latest pornographic image, or the intense sexual chat they had a couple of hours earlier, therefore being unable to really connect with the person they are having sex with.
While some people who struggle with porn addiction compulsively masturbate, others engage only minimally in the sex act itself but nonetheless spend long hours viewing sexual images and cruise website and chatrooms found online. This getting lost is often referred to as ‘the trance’. The purpose of the trance is to escape from and numb difficult and painful feelings. Unfortunately if you numb feelings you are numbing all of your feelings, even the ‘good ones’. It can leave you with feeling anxious, depressed and disconnected.
Excessive watching of pornography, over time, builts up a tolerance and more is needed in order to obtain the same high. This is achieved by spending more time viewing porn, or by experiencing more extreme or unusual forms of pornography. Understandibly this takes a toll on their social life, relationship and work which they have often trouble seeing and aknowledge to themselves until it is too late.
These are some signs of potential porn addiction:
Porn addiction help tips:
Below are listed a few tips for dealing with porn addiction:
Remember, If viewing, reading, watching or thinking about pornography is interfering with your work, your relationship, your family life or your social interactions, it is a problem.